What to expect

What’s happening to my baby?

Although most of the lanugo has fallen away, your baby might still have a coating of vernix – a white, waxy substance – when it is born. Although it looks strange, vernix can assist the baby in its passage through the birth canal.

Your baby might have grown to a few centimetres over 50 and weigh as much as 3.5kg. They will also know the sound of your voice from spending every moment with you for the past several months.

What’s happening to me?

If you haven’t already, you should consider having your hospital bag and checklist ready to go when the big day comes. Have any support people on standby too and keep them posted about any possible contingency plans they need to be aware of. It might even be wise to spend these last couple of weeks with your partner or family and friends in case of any surprises or complications with your labour.

A diary can help you monitor any of these changes to your pregnancy because it helps you to notice when things start to deviate within the day-to-day. Close and frequent conversations with your midwife or specialist will ensure you’re informed of the signs of labour to watch out for.