What to expect

If your egg is successfully fertilised, this is the week where you can be considered pregnant.

In the lead up to ovulation, your body will produce mucus lining that protects any sperm and extends their life. This mucus lining is normally part of the discharge of your period.


Conception occurs at the end of the second week when the egg travels down the fallopian tube to be fertilised by sperm. It’s possible that the sperm was deposited during sex up to five days prior.

The particular combination of a unique egg with a unique sperm cell will instantly pre-determine the sex and genetic make-up of your baby. This means that many of the physical characteristics, such as eye and hair colour, that your baby will have throughout their life are decided in this one moment.

Once the single-celled egg is fertilised by one of the sperm, it will start to divide and grow even as it travels into the womb and to plant itself into the endometrium lining.

These changes are happening on a microscopic scale, and it’s virtually impossible to detect or know this early that you are pregnant, which is why planning for pregnancy can lead to improved health outcomes for your baby.