What to expect

At this stage the embryo will start to resemble the baby it will become. Tiny buds will develop that will become arms and legs, and the head is taking shape. This early head is also growing the protrusions that will form its facial features, such as a nose and eyes, and a heartbeat can be detected via vaginal ultrasound.

The little embryo, resembling a tiny tadpole, is forming a see-through skin, while the developing spinal column is forming to give your baby-to-be more structure and support.

Some of the effects of pregnancy on you might start to intensify, and most women are experiencing morning sickness by now. Your preferences for and aversions to certain foods might become more pronounced, and it’s completely okay to listen to your body in managing this. Fatigue might increase and you can frequently feel dizzy or faint, so ensure that you’re getting as much rest as you need.

Your breasts will continue to be sore and your nipples might become more pronounced. Although vaginal bleeding – called spotting – can be common in the early stages of pregnancy, if it continues or intensifies you should see a doctor immediately. At this stage many women consider their options for an obstetrician to assist them through the pregnancy journey.

Within the next couple of weeks, the zygote can officially be called a foetus, but for ease of reading we’ll begin to refer to it as your baby.